DIGIFALE - Digital navigation for Pacific communities

DIGIFALE - Digital navigation for Pacific communities
  • Type of ProjectProject, Research
  • Stage of CompletionIn progress
  • Area of InterestTechnology, Community
  • Health DomainWhānau, Equity, Patient experience, Consumer
  • Geographic RegionNorthern
  • Priority PopulationPacific

Organisation: Moana Research 

Date of project: April 2022

DIGIFALE is a digital health literacy programme designed for Pacific communities living in Aotearoa, New Zealand. It provides the access, connectivity and skills required to navigate digital platforms to improve health and wellbeing. DIGIFALE uses a culturally aligned intergenerational ‘train the trainer’ approach, with DIGIFALE navigators. Our vision is every fale becomes a DIGIFALE.

DigiFale website 

DigiFale Facebook

If you would like more information about this project, please email us.