Other resources

REUSE: Some items listed on this page are available to reuse within NZ for non-commercial requirements. If any items require modification please contact us to assist. Please do not alter, stretch or distort any of the items.

REFERENCE ONLY: Some items are provided for reference only, and should be used as a guide as you create your own resources. You are able to use some of the wording and layout but please do not copy images or exact designs. 

Please respect and acknowledge where appropriate the generous contribution many organisations have made in sharing many of these resources.

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora resources

In addition to the resources below, more detailed telehealth strategies, policies and procedures can be found HERE.

newsletter signup icon

Sign-up to our newsletter graphics

The best way for us to keep people informed about telehealth in New Zealand is for them to sign up to our email newsletter. Please use the following banners and panels to encourage relevant people to subscribe. Please link these images to telehealth.org.nz/newsletter.

Available for reuse.

telehealth inperson web 300

'In-person' graphic

We are encouraging the use of the tern 'in-person' to describe a meeting or consultation where the two people are in the same physical space. We suggest not using the term 'face-to-face' as it can be interpreted in many different ways.

Available for reuse.

Hato Hone St John

Successful telehealth initiatives from Hato Hone St John bring video consultations and telemonitoring into the patient's home with support to set up and follow up.

Manaaki Mamao (patients controlling high blood pressure)

Whare Manaaki/Pokapū 3 (Rural and isolated community access to healthcare services)


procare logoProcare

Procare has a range of resources for health providers. While they focus on Procare's deployment of Doxy.me through a number of different systems, some of the generic information may be useful for reference.

Available for reference.

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā 

Health New Zealand | Te Whaty Ora - Waitematā has a number of telehealth initiatives, and have completed one detailed evaluation on their use of Zoom for outpatient appointments (full story here).

Available for reference.

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Southern 

Physiotherapy clinicians at Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora - Southern have produced a handbook complied as a practical guide to conducting telehealth for physiotherapists in New Zealand during the COVID-19 pandemic. Information from governance and funding bodies has been undergoing continuous change, it is recommended to check links to organisations.


Collaborative Aotearoa

Collaborative Aotearoa has created some telehealth resources, including a Video & Telephone Consultation Tool Kit and as part of the Health Care Home work programme, the release of the Telehealth Online Learning Modules, which are now available on the Ministry of Health Learn Online Platform.

Available for reference.

AUSTRALIAN LOGOSResources from Australia

The Australasian Telehealth Society (ATHS) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) have released two guides to getting started with telehealth to help manage the COIVD-19 outbreak. ATHS suggests starting small and keeping it simple.

Available for reference (please note some resources may be restricted access).

nsw logoNew South Wales information

New South Wales Health produced a comprehensive three-stage approach to implementing telehealth (full story here). As part of their implementation, they created a comprehensive guide to Telehealth.

Available for reference.

University of Sydney

More and more telepractice methods have been used as a way of providing early childhood services. This project was led by researchers at The University of Sydney, collaboration with researchers from Monash University and Western Sydney University. The information presented is based on a research survey of 259 early childhood practitioners using telepractice as part of their service delivery.