
We host a series of webinars to help support providers who are implementing telehealth services such as phone or video consultations. These webinars will assist providers in achieving safe, secure and sustainable telehealth solutions which complement their existing in-person relationships. Upcoming webinars and past webinar recordings are featured below.

To hear about upcoming webinars, and to receive the NZ Telehealth Forum newsletter, subscribe here. 

You can also follow our Facebook and LinkedIn pages for webinar updates. 

If you have a webinar topic suggestion, or would like to participate in a webinar as a panellist, please email help@telehealth.org.nz  

Upcoming webinars 2024

Stay tuned... 


Recorded Webinar #38: AI and Telehealth

Held on: Wednesday 5 June
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #37: Telehealth Stocktake - What Now?

Held on: Wednesday 28 February
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #36: RPM Guide

Held on: Wednesday 22 November
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #35: Security and privacy

Held on: Thursday 26 October
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #34: AI and telehealth

Held on: Wednesday 13 September
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer

Read the webinar questions and answers PDF


Recorded Webinar #33: When the microphone is on

Held on: Wednesday 7 June
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer 


Recorded Webinar #31: Telehealth Success Stories from Aotearoa

Held on: Thursday 24 November
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer 


Recorded Webinar #30: Western Australia Telehealth Command Centre

Held on: Thursday 27 October
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer 


Recorded Webinar #29: Telehealth Apps - innovative inclusion for Aotearoa

Held on: Thursday 29 September 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer 


Recorded Webinar #28: Goodbye Postcode Lottery - Hello PASE

Held on: Thursday 25 August 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #27: Achieving Pae Ora 

Held on: Thursday 28 July 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #26: Lessons Learnt & Highlights – Community Telehealth Initiatives 

Held on: Thursday 30 June 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #25: Zoom Fatigue 'take two' 

Held on: Thursday 26 May 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #24: Disability and Telehealth 'take two' 

Held on: Thursday 28 April 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #23: Introduction to telehealth in cancer care

Held on: Thursday 24 March 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #22: What does telehealth look like in 2022 for primary care?

Held on: Thursday 24 February 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #21: New and emerging healthcare innovation

Held on: Tuesday 7 December 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #20: Telemonitoring

Held on: Wednesday 27 October 7-8pm
Recording available below
Question and answers available here

Full information is available in this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #19: Improving Maori health gains

Held on: Thursday 30 September 7-8.15pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #18: Telehealth in the disability community

Held on: Thursday 26th August 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer

Captions are available on this recording. 


Recorded Webinar #16: Telehealth Providers

Held on: Thursday 24th June 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #15: Mental Health

Held on: Thursday 3rd June 7-8.15pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #14: Telehealth International Leaders

Held on: Thursday 29th April 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #13: Telehealth in primary and community settings

Held on: Thursday 25th March 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #12: Back to Basics

Held on: Thursday 11th February 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #11: What I Learnt in 2020

Held on: Thursday 3rd December 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #10: Allied Health

Held on: Thursday 26th November 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #9: And then COVID-19 happened... an update on the national Health Information Platform

Held on: Thursday 5th November 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #8: Scotland Telehealth

Held on: Thursday 1st October 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in this PDF flyer

During the webinar not all questions were able to be answered by the panellists. Click here to view the answers to those questions, with thanks to Hazel Archer and Morag Hearty.

Below are some useful resource links which were mentioned during the webinar session:

Near Me Public Engagement: Public and Clinician Views on Video Consulting (full report)
Near Me is an online video consulting service in Scotland. This report offers insightful key findings around the understanding of potential benefits and barriers of using video consulting for health and care appointments. Read the full report.

Implementing Near Me
General guidance that applied to all clinical specialities, and additional speciality-specific information. Read more. 

Telemonitoring at Scale for Hypertension in Primary Care
This study explores the feasibility and impact of implementing an integrated telemonitoring system for hypertension into routine primary care. Read the study. 


Recorded Webinar #7: Using Telehealth for Cancer Care During COVID-19

Held on: Thursday 27th August 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #6: Transforming Ontario's health care system using virtual care

Held on: Thursday 23rd July 1-2pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #5: Health literacy - getting the most from telehealth

Held on: Thursday 25th June 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #4: NZ Regulation & Legislation

Held on: Thursday 11th June 7-8pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #3: Telehealth Tech

Held on: Thursday 28th May 7-8:30pm
Recording available below
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer


Recorded Webinar #2: Equity and Improving Access

Held on: Thursday 14th May 7-8pm
Recording available at: www.telehealth.org.nz/webinar2
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer or in this jpg image


Recorded Webinar #1: An introduction to telehealth for NZ health providers

Held on: Thursday 30th April 7-8pm
Recording available at: www.telehealth.org.nz/webinar1
Full information is available in
this PDF flyer or in this jpg image