Request to all providers from the COVID-19 Response Team

A reminder to practice teams to ensure they update current patient contact information in PMS systems - especially mobile phone numbers. The contact tracing process can leverage this information in those exceptional situations where the Ministry have been unable to contact people identified as close contacts of a positive COVID-19 patient. A significant amount of information is missing or out of date.


 Ministry of Health Telehealth Advisory

The most important thing is to continue to safely provide health services throughout the pandemic. This will include using messaging, telehealth and virtual technology that you may not normally use. This advice from the Ministry of Health should help you to minimise information and technology risk while you deliver health services.

Document: Ministry of Health Telehealth Advisory for COVID-19


COVID-19 Provider AdviceCOVID-19 and telehealth provision for health providers

The healthcare system in New Zealand will face significant pressures due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We will need to work in different ways from usual, so to support this, the following advice sets out some of the general guidance on using telehealth in New Zealand at this time.

The Telehealth Leadership Group offered some initial guidance to health providers as they rapidly adapt to Telehealth. Read the full document.

Please note as we respond to the evolving circumstances of the COVID-19 we are actively working on developing additional resources for both healthcare consumers and providers. We will upload new information regularly, please subscribe to updates


 telehealth consumer Informationtelehealth provider Information