2020 Workforce Survey

Organisation: The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners
Date of project: February 2021. Ongoing.
The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners’ 2020 Workforce Survey provides an overview of the general practice and rural hospital medicine workforce in 2020.
More than 5,000 fellows, members and associates of the college and the division of Rural Hospital Medicine were surveyed (almost all doctors working in New Zealand general practice and rural hospital medicine), with a response rate of 60 percent.
This biennial survey includes a new theme such as ways of working (telehealth) before and after the nationwide lockdown as well as standard themes (demographics, hours of work, teaching/training in practice, retirement intentions and burnout.
Time-series and equity analyses will also be available.
For more information about the 2020 Workforce Survey, visit the RNZCGP website.
If you would like more information about this project, please email us.