Telehealth in Planned Care

Telehealth in Planned Care
  • Type of ProjectProject, Ministry of Health Planned Care, Policies & procedures
  • Stage of CompletionIn progress
  • Area of InterestTechnology, Community, Youth, Planned care
  • Health DomainKaupapa Maori, Data & digital, Patient experience, Equity
  • Geographic RegionCentral
  • Priority PopulationLow-socio economic, Maori, Rural, Pacific

Organisation: MidCentral District Health Board

The Telehealth in Planned Care project will purchase and set up the hardware in telehealth clinic rooms and three community hubs. Alongside the procurement of the IT resources, the project will create clear policies and guidelines on the implementation and use of telehealth at Mid Central District Health Board. Processes and procedures including how to make an appointment, patient support and information booklets will be developed. Community 'champions' will be engaged to deliver training to staff and to help at each of the hub locations. Change management assessments, planning and activities will be carried out alongside. The project team will create an evaluation survey for patients and clinicians to share their experience which will create a feedback loop to contribute to service improvements and to achieve a consistent approach to determining appropriate modes of telehealth consultation or interaction based on patient need, clinician need and intent of consultation or interaction.

This project is funded by the Ministry of Health. 

If you would like more information about this project, please email us