Community Hub

Organisation: Hauora Tairawhiti
Date of project: May 2021
Hauora Tairãwhiti are investingating establishing a working group to explore opportunities to improve collaboration between primary providers and Hauora Tairãwhiti secondary providers with an objective to close the technology gap in virtual care to support health equity, whānau wellness, and integration of health and wellbeing services.
This could include:
• Having local Nurses or kaiãwhina faciliate remote clinics or consultations by Hauora Tairãwhiti specialists
• Have Hauora Tairãwhiti specialists available on call during home visits by local Nurses or kaiãwhina
• Incorporating actions envisaged within its Child Development Service proposal for collaboration with Maori organisations.
This working group will initially comprise of Hauora Tairãwhiti staff managing Out-Patient, Tu te Ora and Community Care services and representatives of PHOs and community providers (Ngtai Porou Haora, Pinnacle Health and Turanga Health) and will be modelled along the lines of the Lakes DHB Pokapū o te Taiwhenua Network.
If you would like more information about this project, please email us.