Pokapu o te Taiwhenua Network project

The Pokapū o te Taiwhenua Network is an inclusive virtual network of health and wellbeing community providers, community members, primary care, and specialist care supporting digital health equity strategies to support strategic imperatives of health equity, whānau wellness, and integration of health and wellbeing services. The vision is “right care, right place, right time, right technology, right facilitation.”
The exploration of this model was sanctioned by the Lakes DHB Joint Clinical Counsel in June 2020. The counsel was eager to support telehealth models leveraging a non-clinical Maori workforce nested within the local community. The beginning of the network started in July 2020 with representation from Lakes DHB (Phyllis Tangitu and Jen Coatsworth), Ngati Tahu Ngati Whaoa Runanga Trust (Sue Westbrook), Mangakino Oranga Tanga/Te Arawa Whānau Ora (Leanne Karauna and Ani Olson), St John (Kathryn Elsmore), Tuwharetoa Health (Bella Moke) and MHN Pinnacle (Pen Blackmore). This virtual network has expanded and has since had seven virtual engagements and a planning workshop.
The first test of change for the Network is a model of video telehealth facilitation for clients and whānau offered a video telehealth appointment and desire the appointment (consent to) but do not have access to the digital self-efficacy, internet, or the equipment and consequently would either have to physically be present for a consult, not commit to an appointment, or commit to an appointment and then not be able to attend.
The project website is here.
If you would like more information about this project, please email us.