Exploring telepharmacy: A bibliometric analysis of past research and future directions

Exploring telepharmacy: A bibliometric analysis of past research and future directions
  • Type of ProjectResearch
  • Stage of CompletionCompleted
  • Area of InterestAllied health, Technology
  • Health DomainData & digital
  • Geographic RegionInternational
  • Priority PopulationN/A

Organisation: University of Auckland

The project provides a comprehensive overview of the existing literature on telepharmacy. The study seeks answers to the following research questions.

1. What are the publication trends in the field of telepharmacy?

2. Who are the influential contributors to the development of telepharmacy literature?

3. What constitutes the intellectual and conceptual framework of the telepharmacy field?

4. How do the telepharmacy research themes evolve over time?

Exploring telepharmacy: A bibliometric analysis of past research and future directions

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