Embedding of Telehealth

Embedding of Telehealth
  • Type of ProjectProject, Ministry of Health Planned Care, Policies & procedures
  • Stage of CompletionProposed
  • Area of InterestTechnology, Planned care
  • Health DomainPatient experience, Governance & management, Data & digital, Quality, Kaupapa Maori, Equity, Consumer, Whānau
  • Geographic RegionSouthern
  • Priority PopulationRural

Organisation: Southern District Health Board

Date of project: October 2022

The Embedding of Telehealth projects aims to address the following areas:

• The uptake of services undertaking telehealth

• The increase in the number of consultations undertaken by telehealth

• The reduction in the number of kilometres and time spent travelling by patients

• Reduction in the DNA rate, especially in priority populations

• The utilisation of community hubs

• Increased patient and clinician satisfaction

This project is funded by the Ministry of Health. 

 If you would like more information about this project, please email us