5-step family/whanau counselling programme for family/whanau impacted by the alcohol and other drug use of family members or close friends

5-step family/whanau counselling programme for family/whanau impacted by the alcohol and other drug use of family members or close friends
  • Type of ProjectProject
  • Stage of CompletionIn progress
  • Area of InterestOther
  • Health DomainWhānau
  • Geographic RegionNational
  • Priority PopulationDisability, Maori, Rural, Pacific

Organisation: Family Drug Support Aotearoa New Zealand

Date of project: Ongoing

Family Drug Support are delivering an evidence-based psycho-educational counselling programme via telehealth to family/whānau throughout Aotearoa, to build coping and resilience for those impacted by the alcohol and other drug use of family/whānau.

The programme is used in several countries around the world and originated 15 years ago at the University of Birmingham, UK. Pre and post-intervention data collection is undertaken which is peer reviewed. The programme is culturally appropriate. Results show a 40percent reduction in total family/whānau burden after five sessions of approximately 1 hour each. Evaluations indicate the focal person is usually not in any AOD treatment but can recover with the support of family/whānau who feel able to support.

Apply for the programme by visiting the Family Drug Support website here

If you would like more information about this project, please email us