Tele-wheelchair and seating assessment stakeholder consultation: A mixed methods study

Tele-wheelchair and seating assessment stakeholder consultation: A mixed methods study
  • Type of ProjectResearch
  • Stage of CompletionCompleted
  • Area of InterestCommunity
  • Health DomainConsumer
  • Geographic RegionNational
  • Priority PopulationOther, Maori, Disability

Organisation: University of Otago

Date of project: March 2021

Update: Project completed

The proposed study is a mixed methods consultation with key stakeholders exploring their perspectives on the value of a telehealth complex-wheelchair assessment service. Stakeholders are wheelchair users with neuro-muscular conditions, their carers and significant others, wheelchair assessors and technicians, and wheelchair service managers, and funders. A two-phase mixed methods study design is proposed involving electronic survey (phase one) and video-conference interview/focus group (phase two) data collection with all stakeholder groups.

Findings will inform a subsequent co-design of a tele-health wheelchair assessment service for those with complex wheelchair needs in a subsequent study. 


Stakeholder perspectives of the sociotechnical requirements of a telehealth wheelchair assessment service in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A qualitative analysis

Social and Technical Readiness for a Telehealth Assessment Service for Adults With Complex Wheelchair and Seating Needs: A National Survey of Stakeholders. 

If you would like more information about this project, please email us